We hear it from our members repeatedly—students’ violent acts against teachers are increasing, particularly in the early grades—-teachers and schools are not provided with sufficient supports to improve/change student behavior or to make sure that restorative practices work across the board.
Last week, members of the PFT E-Board and guest speakers listed in last week’s Notes did a superb job in presenting these concerns to Superintendent Hamlet and all of the Assistant Superintendents who were in attendance. Two highlights:
- There will be a recommitment on both sides to make sure that there are functioning and DOCUMENTED Building Committees (that’s OUR responsibility), Instructional Cabinets and Discipline Committees in each and every school!
- PFT Staff had already been working with administration to get the Professionalism in Education Partnership Committee (PEP) recharged and restarted. That will be started in the fall with Harold Grant and Anthony Anderson as Co-Chairs.
This subcommittee of the E-Board (made up of Bill Hileman, Anna Tarka-DiNunzio, Cleo Harris, Stacie Swanson, Brittany McCann, Jessica Snyder, Kelly Choate, Harold Grant, Linda Voytko, and me) proposed a subcommittee of PEP be started to review, discuss, and propose solutions and supports for TLE issues in our schools!
Their presentation to the Superintendent and his team was excellent—it reflected your concerns and requests so well. We will continue to report on progress—and continue to work with the superintendent on this issue at our bi-weekly meetings.
Thank you subcommittee for your fantastic work on behalf of our members!